Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

North End and Italian Food

When talk about Italian Food, north end is the place you can not miss. The building is quite different from the other place of Boston. The old street make you feel like you were in Italian.

Walking alone the street, you will find many Italian restaurants and bars, also there are many tourists.

Al Dente

There is a famous Italian Restaurant that people love most named Al Dente.

Spaghetti and MeatballsThey have outstanding menu, and being good at cooking featuring pasta, chicken, veal and seafood,. They have open kitchen that can let you in.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lives in Boston

Lei Feng


H&M in Galleria Mall, Cambridge

It is very interesting that we can find many Chinese style in the many place. This kind of hats was quite popular in the 1950's in China. This is one of the uniform of land force of PLA. Because of this famous soldier whose name is Lei Feng usually wear this kind of hat. People in China usually call this kind of hat "Lei Feng Hat". I found this hat is quite popular here. I found the similar kind of this hat in many stores.

Animals and Shepherd
St Mary Catholic Church
Jesus Christ

 This picture was taken a week before Christmas in front of a church. This describe the time when Jesus was born. It seemed like they are waiting for something.

 This picture was taken on Christmas Eve,The Jesus was born, the little baby in the middle of picture is Jesus.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

7000 miles away

Chicago O'Hara Airport
    7000 miles is the distance between US and China. September 8, 2010, I took the flight from Beijing to Chicago and then transfer to Boston. That was the first time that I took a airplane and it took me thirteen hours to get to Chicago. I was so exciting to see the differences between two different countries.
Beijing Airport

     My first impression to the US is the clean sky. I only saw that kind of blue sky once in China when the Olympic Games held in Beijing, All of factories near Beijing were forbidden to let the emission into the air.

The blue sky in Boston

      I am wondering how different it could be under the different culture, religion, government polity.
      One of the most interesting thing that I found is the English that I have learnt in China is not so useful here. People live in Boston usually call the underground transportation "train". However what I have learnt in China is subway. If you ask someone about where to find a subway, they may be take you to the shop which sells subs.
The Bookstore can be called "BookSmith", the glass shop can be named  "Vision Store". Besides that, there are many shops has the name that I even do not konw how to pronounce.
                                                                                      To Be Continued.......